Hey sitting man
where you wanna be
stand up and rise
be by my side
look what have been
and hope for what comes
I give you courage
you give me a face

the better you hate me
the better gets this song
am I inoble to give all I can?
I always told you to see what I am

I can’t hate you
I mustn’t hate me
you’re telling me to leave
I stay as long as you need

Hey little man
you know it exactly
we’ve gone too far to quit
we’ll take the better end
you think you are stronger
they said it all to me
I let them their believe
otherwise they’ll eat me

the better you hate me
the better gets this song
the better you betray me
the better is it for me
am I inoble to give all I can?
I always told you to see what I am

I can’t hate you
I mustn’t hate me
you’re telling me to leave
I stay as long as you need

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